
Five Things to Look for in a Serum
Your skincare regimen should be as exclusive as you are. Cleansing, toning and moisturising is one that everyone follows. But one product that frequently goes unmentioned but is a powerful...

Monsoon Skincare Tips for Healthier Skin
An enjoyable relief from the oppressively hot summer is the Monsoon. The weather is finally pleasant as you step outside, and a little breeze welcomes you. As the weather gets...
Monsoon Skincare Tips for Healthier Skin
An enjoyable relief from the oppressively hot summer is the...

Ayurvedic Herbs for Treating Acne
There is one thing that has united teenagers throughout time and space. Acne. So it is no wonder that the ancient and time tested science of Ayurveda had something to...

Understanding Skin type in the Ayurvedic Way
Your skin, or Tvacha as it is called in Ayurvedic scriptures, is the largest organ in your body. Skincare products get absorbed at the cellular level and circulate through the...

The Wonder Ingredients of Kumkumadi Oil
Kumkumadi Oil is an Ayurvedic elixir made with more than 22 herbs, as mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali, a text of classical herbal formulations. How is it prepared? A Kadha of...

Five Things you Didn't know about Nalpamaradi
Nalpamaradi is an Ayurvedic Oil which has been mentioned in Sahasrayogam, an Ayurvedic Text with a compilation of about 1000 Herbal formulations from Kerala. The word Nalpamaram – meaning four Ficus trees...
Five Things you Didn't know about Nalpamaradi
Nalpamaradi is an Ayurvedic Oil which has been mentioned in...