The Wonder Ingredients of Kumkumadi Oil

The Wonder Ingredients of Kumkumadi Oil

Kumkumadi Oil is an Ayurvedic elixir made with more than 22 herbs, as mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali, a text of classical herbal formulations.

herbs used in kumkumadi Oil

How is it prepared?

A Kadha of dry herbs such as Saffron, Red Sandalwood, Manjistha, Licorice, Laksha, Blue Lotus, Daruhidra, Usheer and many others is prepared first. Then this decoction is infused in Sesame oil, Goat’s Milk and Rose Water until blended and water is fully evaporated, leaving behind a gleaming potent oil.

Acharya Charak refers to the oil as highly effective in dealing with skin-related woes like pigmentation, dark spots, and blemishes. At the same time, Acharya Sushruta mentions using oils like these for glowing and healthy skin.

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Here are some special Ayurvedic herbs that make this preparation a must-have for beautifying and age-defying benefits.

Saffron: Kesar is a beautifying flower mentioned as Varnya in Ayurvedic texts, which means beauty & complexion enhancement. The orange colour of saffron is due to natural pigments Picrocin and Crocetin that treat the outermost layer of skin. It targets Melanin, which is responsible for our skin tone and lightening and brightening the skin.

Red Sandalwood: It is a Pitta balancing bark with soothing, cooling, astringent properties that heal and repair the skin. It is rich in Santalin, an active compound which makes the mixture red in colour and helps reduce irritation and redness.

Manjistha: Manjisha helps purify, heal, strengthen, and protect the skin. It is rich in Manjisthin, helps blood purification, treats blemishes and makes the skin healthy.

Licorice: Mulethi is a Varnya root that balances Vaata and Pitta dosha, helping improve the texture and lustre of skin. The active compound Glycyrrhizin has a soothing effect on the skin and repairs UVA/UVB and sun damage.

Laksha: It is an Ayurvedic exudate enhancing the skin's complexion and is highly beneficial in lightening pigmentation, dark spots and age spots. As a Balya herb, it is helpful in improving blood circulation and making the skin radiant.

Sacred Lotus: Kamal is a Varnya flower that nurtures, soothes and clears, ensuring well hydrated and nourished skin. It has active compounds such as Nelumbin and Metarbin, which lighten dark spots, and pigmentation, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Daruharidra: It is an Ayurvedic cosmetic herb that works on all major concerns such as dullness, uneven skin tone, acne marks, dark spots, age spots and pigmentation. The Tvagadoshhar property of this herb makes it bactericidal, removes impurities and helps repair the skin adding a golden glow.

Goat Milk: As per Ayurveda Aja Dugdha, it is densely nutrient, light and cooling, making it an essential ingredient in the Kumkumadi Oil. It makes the oil rich in healthy fats needed for skin’s moisturisation and nourishment.

Rose Water: Rose is an aromatic flower with cooling and refreshing properties that balance the skin. It is rich in hydration, which makes it effective in relieving excess heat from the skin, and is helpful for blemishes, eruptions and acne-prone skin.

Sesame Oil: Til Tail is the most potent plant-based oil that balances the Vaat Dosha, skin dryness. It is rich in fatty acids such as Linolic Acid, which strengthen, repair and nourish the skin, making it soft, supple and well moisturised.

 Kumkumadi Range

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