Every Mom’s Favorite Ingredient: Haldi

Every Mom’s Favorite Ingredient: Haldi

India has embraced turmeric or Haldi in all its cultural, regional and personal facets. Its purity defines the relationship of humans and gods, where we use Haldi in worshipping the deity and the elders of the family. It has also glued with the Indians for ages. No kidding, you are never out of Haldi in Indian households. Turmeric has been a lifelong generational BFF of our mothers and grandmothers. Do you remember our mom's obsession over haldi signifying her magic wand to all maladies? The reminiscence of childhood comes in a flashback when our moms simmer up a batch of turmeric milk and force-feed us to cure our cold and fever. Or during times when we used to come crying with bleeding wounds, our mother used to caress us after a good scolding and put haldi as a healing ointment. We, as Indian kids, are veteran in the world of turmeric because the ladies made us familiar with the benefits of haldi at a very young age. 

Our culture is rich with such Ayurvedic therapies, tested through time by our beloved Mothers. The impromptu folklore created by our grandma to explain the benefits of Haldi is quite fascinating. The great warrior, Haldi, fights against the foreign invaders like toxins, bacteria and viruses and keeps your body healthy and safe. Haldi is a powerhouse of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and has been used as a medicinal herb in Ayurveda for ages.

This superfood once found in our mothers' kitchen has now become a global health fad. Turmeric benefits in skincare are also popular in the households. Our grandmother always advised us to put haldi on breakouts & acne due to its medicinal, antibacterial properties. Using turmeric for face care helps in clearing the skin, reducing pigmentation and give an even skintone. The bioactive component curcumin in the haldi delays the ageing process and prevents allergens from entering the skin. The antioxidants lustre the skin and provide brightening skin. The anti-microbial properties help in curing skin maladies like eczema, psoriasis, acne, and wounds. Turmeric for skin brightening has been used in many natural, ayurveda recipes to boost radiance and glow. 


Even Indian marriages have a ceremony where mothers of the family handcraft the raw haldi with milk and make ubtan face mask which is applied to the bride and groom to pamper them and reveal a natural glow. Bride is smeared with haldi for glowing skin as it works as a body polisher.

Coronavirus has brought several people together, and others taken far. The natural ingredients to boost immunity against Covid19 are Amla, Ashwagandha, Kali Mirch (black pepper) and Laung (clove), and other herbs, which all of us have heard about since a very young age.

All the teachings about haldi benefits by the women in our family have landed us here appreciating and connecting the dots of nostalgia. Haldi plays a significant role in detoxification and supports the antibodies to work correctly. Some mothers are working and stepping out in this dystopian world to feed and protect the families and the country. All the mothers are front line warriors because they keep their family before themselves. There shouldn't be any specific day to treat your mother with love and compassion.

We at TAC, bring you the fantastic therapeutic Ayurvedic Kadha with Vitamin C and Zinc as a token of thanks to this motherly love. The TAC ayurvedic kadha minimizes the risk of viral infections and secures good health. Curated with 11 handpicked natural ingredients, this ayurvedic kadha helps in building antibodies and boosts immunity. Just like our mother, this kadha is also multi-talented. It detoxifies the body, relieves stress and anxiety, enhances inner strength and maintains your overall physical and mental wellbeing.

How to use -

  1. Add a teaspoon of TAC kadha powder in 150 ml boiling water 
  2. Stir and mix the ingredients properly 
  3. Add jaggery and lemon according to the taste
  4. Reseal the pouch to avoid moisture 
  5. Drink 2-4 times a day to boost immunity
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