Want to embrace the sun? Be sun-smart with Ayurvedic sunscreen for summer

Want to embrace the sun? Be sun-smart with Ayurvedic sunscreen for summer

Summer is here, and it's time to soak up the sun! But before you start basking in the golden rays, remember that the sun can be a sneaky little devil. It doesn't take much for it to leave you looking like a lobster, with skin as red as a ripe tomato. That's where Ayurvedic Sunscreens from TAC comes in to save the day! This magical sunscreen not only protects you from harmful UV rays but also nourishes your skin with natural ingredients. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of life, has been around for centuries and is known for its holistic approach to wellness. So, let's outsmart the sun and enjoy the summer without worrying about sunburns. In this post, we'll explore what Ayurvedic sunscreen is, how it works, and why TAC is the best choice for sun protection this summer. Let's dive in!

Ayurvedic Sunscreen: The Perfect Blend of Nature and Protection

ayurvedic sunscreen


  • Enjoy the sun without worrying: The Ayurvedic sunscreens offered by The Ayurveda Co. are formulated with powerful herbal extracts such as  Kumkumadi, Eladi & Triphala. These ingredients provide effective protection against the sun's damaging rays while keeping your skin nourished and hydrated.
  • Experience the dual benefits: Not only do these sunscreens shield you from UV rays, but they also feature ingredients packed with hydrating and rejuvenating properties. Herbs like neem and raspberry restore skin moisture, keep skin oil-free, block harmful UVA + UVB rays, and illuminate skin radiance.  Bala helps improve skin texture while Rose helps in skin rejuvenation and provides nourishment.
  • Suitable for all skin types: The absence of synthetic chemicals in Ayurvedic sunscreens makes them gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin. Whether you have oily, dry, or combination skin, you can trust these sunscreens to protect and nourish your skin without causing any irritation.

Sun-Kissed Fun with T.A.C Sunscreens!

T.A.C Sunscreens

Before you step out into the bright world, let's get to know what T.A.C. Sunscreens have to offer

  • T.A.C Eladi Sunscreen - Your Ayurvedic Shield

We suggest you a sunscreen that’s a true warrior - T.A.C Eladi Sunscreen! With SPF 50 and Ayurvedic power, it's got your back against harmful UVA and UVB rays. No harsh chemicals here, just pure protection! Say bye-bye to tanning and skin irritations. Trust us; your skin will love it!

  • T.A.C Kumkumadi Sunscreen - Nourish & Glow

Glow like a goddess with T.A.C Kumkumadi Sunscreen! This magical potion is a lightweight SPF 50 wonder. It battles tanning, pigmentation, and dullness while nourishing your skin. It's got Ayurvedic wonders like Kumkumadi, Saffron, and more to pamper your skin like royalty.

  • Nalpamaradi Glow Cream SPF 20 - Fun in the Sun

Who said sunscreen can't be fun? Meet Nalpamaradi Glow Cream SPF 20, your new beach buddy! This little gem brightens your skin, reduces tan, and says adios to acne. With natural ingredients like Nalpamradi, Curcumin, and Aloe Vera, it's a tropical treat for your skin.

Go out, have a blast, and let these sunscreens be your secret weapons to keep that skin glowing and protected.


Tips for a Sunburn-Free Summer with Ayurvedic Sunscreens


  • Embrace nature's protection: If you're tired of chemical-laden options, it's time to switch to TAC Ayurvedic sunscreens. These sunscreens, enriched with ingredients like raspberry, neem, argon oil, and saffron, offer natural and non-irritating protection against harmful UV rays. Say goodbye to greasy or sticky sunscreens and welcome a worry-free summer.
  • The power of herbs: Ayurvedic sunscreens go beyond sun protection. Aloe vera, a key ingredient, possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe existing sunburns or skin irritation, leaving you with a healthy glow. It's like having sunscreen and self-care in one product!
  • Nourish your skin: Ayurvedic sunscreens are formulated with natural ingredients that not only shield your skin but also provide nourishment. They offer a holistic approach to sun protection, ensuring your skin stays healthy and radiant throughout the summer.
  • Follow the instructions: To make the most of your Ayurvedic sunscreen, remember to apply generously at least 20 minutes before direct sunlight exposure. This will ensure optimal coverage and protection throughout the day.


To Conclude 

So there you have it folks, the secret to a sunburn-free summer lies within Ayurvedic Sunscreen! No more looking like a tomato and feeling like a lobster. With this magical sunscreen, you can soak up the sun without any worries. Say goodbye to those chemical-laden sunscreens and hello to nourishing natural ingredients that not only protect your skin but also give it the care it deserves. Ayurvedic Sunscreen has got your back… your front… and your arms, legs, and any other body part that needs protection. So go on, outsmart the sun, and enjoy the summer with confidence – because who needs sunburn when you've got Ayurveda on your side?


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